@2024 URST

The publication of scientific articles can meet several objectives. Whether they are more personal or more based on exchange, they are always part of the “duty” of the researcher and the doctoral student: that of sharing their discoveries.
We ask all researchers, whether doctoral students, laboratory researchers, working as teacher-researchers or others, to respect our conditions. Our major objective of the publication is to advance the state of knowledge in many fields. To do this, we take into consideration articles from conferences, symposia, study days and other articles to advance the field of research and our cultures around the world.
As a general rule, scientific articles follow a traditional outline, which begins with an introduction which may include a problematization, a theoretical framework and methodology, a development, leads to a discussion and ends with a conclusion.
Once the journal has been selected, the editorial guidelines have been applied, and the article has been corrected and reread by a peer, the scientific article can be sent to the journal. Writing a cover letter (or letter to the editor) allows you to present the article to reviewers. We impose a number of pages (15 or 20 maximum), a font type and size (.............).

Publication costs:
We ask for 25,000 CFA francs for all items coming from Africa. And 60 US dollars for other countries in the world. We will issue certificates to serve and ensure the needs of researchers and students without distinction.

Conditions of participation :
  • 1. The article must be characterized by clear expressions and scientific and intellectual originality.

  • 2. The subject of the article must be related to one of the subjects that benefits students, researchers and civil society before a jury examines the magazine.

  • 3. The summary must not contain less than 200 words.

  • 4. The number of pages must not be less than 10 pages nor more than 20 pages.

  • 5. The first page must include the title of the research to be published, the name of the researcher, the educational establishment or establishment in which the researcher studies or works, without forgetting to mention his academic level, his telephone number and his email.

  • 6. Articles must be submitted for publication on Microsoft Word, leaving space between lines (1.50) and a font size of 12 for the body, provided that the font type is times new roman, with a size 12 for main text and subtitles. sections.

  • 7. The researcher attaches a summary of the research and a brief biography before publishing the article.
  • To find out more about Revue des Sciences et Technologies, you can contact us via our email: journal@edu-upafa.com