ABSTRACT In line with improving quality levels and waste reduction, some organizations utilize project management tools, integrating them with other management system standards to benefit from the improved process implementation of a project. On the other hand, other organizations do their work within isolated management systems, where gaps are observed according to researchers. This thesis, therefore, presents the implementation analysis of an integrated management system for the success of project management, the case of construction projects in Rwanda. The objective of this study is to show a clarification of literature on researcher’s analysis of the implementation of integrated management systems in the AGATARE road construction project in the Nyarugenge District of Kigali - Rwanda. In the research process, where the method was to analyze the use of tools for planning and control measures in project management. However, the research findings show that it is important to implement integrated management system in organizations, expecting waste reduction in the project implementation as the results suggest that it is positively related to operational performance.
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